Prospective Board Member Application
To apply, fill-out the Prospective Nominee Application Form at the bottom of this page.
Back to Natives Restoration (BTN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, public charity, dedicated to our mission: “To encourage and actively participate in the restoration and conservation of Orange County and California wildlands, through education and restoration programs featuring native plants and biodiversity as a centralizing theme.”
Our impact statement: Connecting the community to habitat restoration through service learning and native plant education.
Back to Natives assists in the recovery of Orange County’s biodiversity through the restoration of open spaces, and the development of habitat gardens. Our environmental education programs educate students and community members about the importance of native plants and biodiversity.
The purpose of this application is to enable the current BTN Non-Profit Board of Directors to make appropriate choices of Board Members for service to BTN, in support of our mission.
Applicants interested in serving as a board member should first read and understand the expectations and rules of Board Membership, read and understand the By-Laws, and submit a completed application before July 22, 2018. Applicants understand that all Board positions have a term of 2 years, with half elected in even numbered years and half elected in odd numbered years, with a term limit of three(3) terms, followed by at least one year rotation off of the Board before consideration for nomination of Board Membership once more. Applicants may also submit references or letters of recommendation for consideration if they so choose. All correspondence should be sent to* and physical correspondence to:
Back to Natives Restoration
PO BOX 10820
Santa Ana, CA 92711
*the majority of communication between and to BTN Board Members is via email and the Board and Advisory Council Forum, an online secure forum where all deliberations, records and minutes are copied to. With the Secretary of the Board responsible for accurate records online and in physical format for backup reference purposes.
Back to Natives Restoration Board of Director Expectations:
• Support the Mission Statement of BTN.
• Actively engage and recruit volunteers, donors, Advisory Council Members and Board Members to participate in BTN.
• Work as a part of a cohesive team with common goals.
• Share his/her skills and expertise. Dedicate time to BTN and BTN board meetings.
• Respect and support the majority decisions of the Board.
• Volunteer and assist in BTN’s restoration and environmental education programs and activities, focusing on fundraising efforts to support these programs and activities.
• Participate actively in Board meetings, actions, fundraisers and public events.
• Have no more than three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from board meetings and/or activities.
• Remain aware of the activities that are planned and make yourself available to participate.
• Declare conflicts of interest as it pertains to your position on the Board and abstain from voting when appropriate.
• Do your best to ensure that Back to Natives Restoration is well-maintained, financially secure, growing and always operating in the best interest of BTN’s Mission, the California Floristic Province and the community it represents.
Back to Natives Restoration Board of Director Rules:
• Arguments, in or out of the Board Meetings, must be based on Logic Principles, with evidence, support and constructive discussion.
• There will be no criticizing of fellow Board members or their opinions in or out of the Board meetings.
• There will be no use of the organization for personal advantage or that of friends or relatives.
• All Board Members must be aware of, and adhere to the “Prudent Person Law.” *Statutory standard: a director must perform his/her duties, in good faith, In a manner the director believes to be in the best interest of the organization. With such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person would do in the same position under similar circumstances
To apply fill-out the application: