Back to Natives Restoration is governed as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization by a volunteer Board of Directors and is managed from its office in Santa Ana, CA USA. Ultimate responsibility for the operation of Back to Natives Restoration lies with its Board of Directors. Although the Board of Directors cannot delegate its legal and fiduciary responsibilities, it does delegate responsibility for day-to-day operations to the Executive Director, who in turn delegates responsibilities to his or her Team.
To apply visit and fill-out the Prospective Nominee Application Form. 949.509.4787
Back to Natives Restoration a 501(c) 3
EIN: 61-1523908 Contractors
P.O. BOX 10820
Santa Ana, CA 92711
‘Saving Habitat One Person at a Time’
July 2, 2018 (update)
Role of the Board of Back to Natives Restoration
Many boards are dedicated and skilled in their work, and provide clear and consistent leadership to their agency. Others, however, are not so effective. Virtually all boards raise concerns at some time that their job is not clear and their work is at times difficult and confusing. As boards have diversified, the structure and responsibilities and the work they have assumed to accomplish together has changed. Boards now perform a wide range of tasks. However, there are some roles that all boards must assume.
The board’s role in any voluntary organization can be broken down into two categories:
- The mandatory role based on the minimum legal requirements for all board members and;
- The chosen role boards elect to perform because of the board model they elected.
The board’s role and responsibilities are based on:
- Governance: The policies developed by the board that give overall direction to the agency.
- Management: The board takes actions and makes decisions to ensure there are sufficient and appropriate human and financial resources for the organization to accomplish its work.
The board has no mandatory role in the organizations operations (the activities, services or programs). Many boards see this work as the responsibility of the board and staff. However, dependent on the Board Model used, some boards choose to actively participate in the operations due to philosophy or limited resources. For BTN operational duties are the responsibility of Staff and volunteers as appointed by Staff.
When determining the role of the board, it is important to address two key facets:
- To identify the Areas of Board Responsibility as a collective of individuals
- To identify the General Responsibilities of Individual Board Members
Board Responsibilities and Planning
The board is responsible in five key areas:
- To establish the organization’s mission, vision, and direction
- Vision and values
- Mission and philosophy
- Strategic planning
- Programs and services
- Evaluation
- . To ensure the financial health of the organization
- Responsible for ensuring there are adequate financial resources for the work of the organization
- To ensure the organization has sufficient and appropriate human resources
- Responsible for the working conditions in the organization
- Responsible for hiring, giving direction to and evaluating the senior staff person
- Responsible for ensuring the capability, suitability and vitality of its membership
- Responsible for ensuring the existence of a Nominating/Leadership Committee
- To direct organizational operations
- Responsible for ensuring that the organization and its directors are in compliance with its legal requirements
- Responsible for ensuring that the board works effectively
- oversees organizational structure and agency administration
- To ensure effective community relations
- respond to changing needs/pressures in the community
- find new ways to meet needs
- use marketing and public relations as supplied by Staff
Useful Tools in Determining Roles and Responsibilities for Board Members:
- Developing Board Member Job Descriptions
- Mandate of Authority – Responsibilities Matrix
- The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Back to Natives Restoration.
- As a member of the Board, A Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Directors are elected by the current Sitting Board at the Annual Meeting. D
irectors serve for a one-year term. Directors may be reelected for three additional terms.(Amended by Unanimous Boards Vote June 2018) Directors serve for a two(2) year term. Half elected in even numbered years, half elected in odd numbered years, a total of 15 positions are available on the BTN Board of Directors. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms. After the third term, if any, Board Members may not run for Board Membership again for one year (known as ‘cycling off of the Board’). If re-elected after ‘cycling off of the Board,’ they may not run for a Board Office during their first term back on the Board of Directors, and may only hold Director-at-Large.
- Commitment to the work of the organization
- Willingness to advise in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Willingness to serve on at least one committee and actively participate
- Attendance at monthly Board meetings
- A time commitment of five hours per month, (includes Board preparation, meeting and committee meeting time)
- Attendance at Annual Meeting Be informed of and publicly support Back to Natives Restoration activities and services.
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest
- Governing Back to Natives Restoration by the broad policies developed by the Board
- Establish overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for Back to Natives Restoration in meeting the needs of the community
- Recommend policy to the Board
- Promote Back to Natives Restoration through community networking, etc.
- Being accountable to funders for the services provided and funds expended
- Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of Back to Natives Restoration through a regular review of programs and services
- Being accountable and seeking nominations for election to the Board when appropriate
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and staff
- The Board Development Committee annually reviews the Board member job description. Recommended changes are presented to the Board.
- The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Back to Natives Restoration.
- As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
- Completed one year of Board membership term and have the ability to read/understand/interpret financial statements.
- The Treasurer is elected by the newly sitting Board at the Annual Meeting to serve a
one-year term.(Amended by Unanimous Boards Vote June 2018) Directors serve for a two(2) year term. Half elected in even numbered years, half elected in odd numbered years, a total of 15 positions are available on the BTN Board of Directors. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms. After the third term, if any, Board Members may not run for Board Membership again for one year (known as ‘cycling off of the Board’). If re-elected after ‘cycling off of the Board,’ they may not run for a Board Office during their first term back on the Board of Directors, and may only hold Director-at-Large.
- Commitment to the work of the organization
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Willingness to serve on at least one committee
- Attendance at monthly Board meetings
- A time commitment of five hours a month, (includes Board preparation, meeting, committee and meeting time)
- Attendance at Annual Meeting
- Be informed of and publicly support Back to Natives Restoration activities and services.
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and staff
- Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest
- Establish overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for Back to Natives Restoration in meeting the needs of the community
- Ability to read/understand/Interpret financial statements for Board members
- Chair the Finance Committee
- A signing authority on behalf of the Board but not the Organization for financial matters
- Ensure reviewed, and if possible, audited financial statements are presented to the Board on an annual basis
- Calls the motion at Annual Meeting to hire/appoint the Auditor if the Organization can afford one.
- Act as a resource to other committees
- Adhere to general duties outlined in the Board member job description
- Annually reviews the Treasurer’s job description prior to the final Fiscal Year Meeting in June. Recommended changes are presented to the Board.
- The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Back to Natives Restoration.
- As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
- Good organizational, communication and written skills.
- The Secretary is elected by the newly sitting Board at the Annual Meeting for
a one-year term.(Amended by Unanimous Boards Vote June 2018) Directors serve for a two(2) year term. Half elected in even numbered years, half elected in odd numbered years, a total of 15 positions are available on the BTN Board of Directors. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms. After the third term, if any, Board Members may not run for Board Membership again for one year (known as ‘cycling off of the Board’). If re-elected after ‘cycling off of the Board,’ they may not run for a Board Office during their first term back on the Board of Directors, and may only hold Director-at-Large.
- Commitment to the work of the organization
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Willingness to serve on at least one committee
- Attendance at monthly Board meetings
- A time commitment of five hours a month, (includes Board preparation, meeting, committee and meeting time)
- Attendance at Annual Meeting
- Be informed of and publicly support Back to Natives Restoration activities and services.
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and staff
- Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest
- Establish overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for Back to Natives Restoration in meeting the needs of the community
- Prepare and maintain minutes and records for all board meetings
- Reviews/monitors and verifies accuracy of the meetings minutes, and circulates to all Directors
- Adhere to general duties outlined in the board member job description REVIEW/APPROVAL DATE:
- Annually reviews the Secretary’s job description. Recommended changes are presented to the Board.
- The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Back to Natives Restoration.
- As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
- The Vice-President is also responsible and accountable to the membership if any (BTN is an honorary membership organization with Board representing the interests of implied members) when the President us unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties.
- Completed one year of Board membership term and have an understanding of parliamentary procedures.
- The Vice-President serves for
a one-year term.(Amended by Unanimous Boards Vote June 2018) Directors serve for a two(2) year term. Half elected in even numbered years, half elected in odd numbered years, a total of 15 positions are available on the BTN Board of Directors. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms. After the third term, if any, Board Members may not run for Board Membership again for one year (known as ‘cycling off of the Board’). If re-elected after ‘cycling off of the Board,’ they may not run for a Board Office during their first term back on the Board of Directors, and may only hold Director-at-Large.
- Commitment to the work of the organization
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Willingness to serve on at least one committee
- Attendance at monthly Board meetings
- A time commitment of five hours a month, (includes Board preparation, meeting, committee and meeting time)
- Attendance at Annual Meeting • Be informed of and publicly support Back to Natives Restoration activities and services.
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and staff
- Be aware of and abstain from any conflict of interest
- Establishes overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for Back to Natives Restoration in meeting the needs of the community
- Be the primary spokesperson for the Board of Back to Natives Restoration to the media and community at large when the Executive Director or the President is not available, unless the credibility of the organization would be enhanced by a non-staff spokesperson
- Address Annual Meeting when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Chair the Executive Committee when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Report to Board on status of major programs when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Has signing authority on behalf of the Board, not the Organization, for financial and legal purposes when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Represent the organization, when Executive Director is unavailable (unless the credibility of the organization would be enhanced by a non-staff representative) or when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties to Government and Municipal officials
- Provides leadership and direction to the Board when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Chair meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Represent Back to Natives Restoration at community functions when President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties
- Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies
- When President is unable or unavailable to fulfill their duties, and in conjunction with the Executive Director, set monthly Board meeting agenda
- Ensure Board members receive agenda and minutes in a timely manner
- Adhere to general duties outlined in the board member job description
- Annually review the Vice-President’s job description. Recommended changes are presented to the Board for ratification.
- The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Back to Natives Restoration.
- As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization.
- The President is also responsible and accountable to the membership if any (BTN is an honorary membership organization with Board representing the interests of implied members).
- Completed one year of Board membership term and have an understanding of parliamentary procedures.
- The President serves for
a one-year term.(Amended by Unanimous Boards Vote June 2018) Directors serve for a two(2) year term. Half elected in even numbered years, half elected in odd numbered years, a total of 15 positions are available on the BTN Board of Directors. Directors may be re-elected for two additional terms. After the third term, if any, Board Members may not run for Board Membership again for one year (known as ‘cycling off of the Board’). If re-elected after ‘cycling off of the Board,’ they may not run for a Board Office during their first term back on the Board of Directors, and may only hold Director-at-Large.
- Commitment to the work of the organization
- Knowledge and skills in one or more areas: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
- Willingness to serve on at least one committee
- Attendance at monthly Board meetings
- A time commitment of five hours a month, (includes Board preparation, meeting, committee and meeting time)
- Attendance at Annual Meeting
- Be informed of and publically support Back to Natives Restoration activities and services.
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and staff
- Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest
- Establishes overall long and short term goals, objectives and priorities for Back to Natives Restoration in meeting the needs of the community
- Be the primary spokesperson for the Board of Back to Natives Restoration to the media and community at large when the Executive Director is not available, unless the credibility of the organization would be enhanced by a non-staff spokesperson
- Address Annual Meeting
- Chair the Executive Committee
- Report to Board on status of major programs
- Has signing authority on behalf of the Board, not the Organization, for financial and legal purposes
- Represent the organization, when Executive Director is unavailable (unless the credibility of the organization would be enhanced by a non-staff representative) to Government and Municipal officials
- Provides leadership and direction to the Board
- Arrange for Vice President to Chair meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Represent Back to Natives Restoration at community functions
- Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies
- In conjunction with the Executive Director set monthly Board meeting agenda
- Ensure Board members receive agenda and minutes in a timely manner
- Adhere to general duties outlined in the board member job description
- Annually review the President’s job description. Recommended changes are presented to the Board for ratification.
How to Develop a Board Member’s Job Description
Many board members serve for months before they really understand their roles and responsibilities. This confusion can waste valuable time and energy for your organization. Clearly written job descriptions help to clarify board member expectations as they relate to their position on the board.
It is important to develop a job description for the general board member as well as the officers of your organization. The general job description applies to every member of the board.
The following categories and questions can be used to guide you in the development of job description for your board members and officer positions. Remember, once the contents are agreed upon, the board must approve the job descriptions. Everyone involved in the organization should have a job description.
The job description should contain the following sections:
- Position: What is the job title?
- Authority: What authority does the position have?
- Responsibility: To whom is the position accountable? What are the broad areas of responsibility?
- Term: How are board members elected and for how long? How do board members leave the board?
- General Duties: What are the typical duties board members are responsible for?
- Evaluation: How will board members effectiveness be assessed?
- Review Date: When will this job description be reviewed?
- Approval Date: When was this job description last approved?
- Qualifications & Skills: What specialized or practical skills are needed to do the job? What human relation skills (e.g. communication, problem solving) are needed?
- Benefits: What benefits can a board member expect to receive? (e.g. satisfaction of making a difference in the community; opportunity to work with individuals of diverse backgrounds; development of effective decision-making skills; increased understanding of group dynamics and relationships)
- Time & Financial Requirements: What is realistic estimate of the time required as a board member? What will it cost to be a board member?
To apply visit and fill-out the Prospective Nominee Application Form.
Back to Natives Restoration exists for the benefit of our community, habitat and environment. Without the aid of caring community members like you, Back to Natives Restoration would not be successful in its mission to encourage and actively participate in the restoration and conservation of Orange County and California wildlands, through education and restoration programs featuring native plants and biodiversity as a centralizing theme.
Thank you again for your generosity in giving your time to volunteer and help govern Back to Natives Restoration. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 949-509-4787. For additional information on Back to Natives Restoration, visit us online at
Reginald I. Durant
Executive Director
Back to Natives Restoration, a 501(c)(3) non profit public charity
Nursery License # C1499
PO BOX 10820 Santa Ana, CA 92711
949-509-4787 w
‘Saving Habitat One Person at a Time’
Board Meeting Dates
Fiscal Year 2017 ends June 30, 2018 and Fiscal Year 2018 begins July 1, 2018
July 22- 1PM-5PM at the Anaheim Downtown Community Center, Annual Meeting, Board election, Officer nominations and elections, Budget review, Goals and Committees